Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Doctor of psychology.

OK before I go any further I want to say that the quotes that I use here are from a doctor of psychology. He is actually teaching in a college and for the sake of saving him the ridicule he deserves, I will only refer to him as the Dr, hope this does not offend anyone. if so please read no further thanks, Grim.

In a discussion with the "Doctor" something was brought up about the spirit realm and how it effects the science of psychology. The Dr stated that "science does not take into consideration the spirit real". That "science only deals with the physical realm". When asked about the impact of ignoring the spirit realm he stated that "the spirit realm cannot be tested and can not be controlled" so therefore is not considered. In the discussion it was brought out that science does not even have to be right, "in science you just need to have the best (or latest)theory". He proceeded to talk about the "practice" of medicine and brought up the theory of evolution and the big bang theory. Once again stating that because God can not be controlled or tested we do not consider Him or "it". After talking about the "best theory to date" he stated that we diagnose from the "best scientific theory to date" then "we make our best guess". Yes that is what he said, we have to make our best guess.

Now let me tell you about the real story that he refuses to admit exists in our physical world. God does exist and there is a spirit realm that can not be ignored and will not be ignored. So if you are sick and need healed do you want the best guess or do you want the person that designed your body from scratch to fix you up right? How about the "theory", perhaps you want the theory to change about your illness from the time you go into surgery till the time you come out. What if you die in between that time in your surgery? Oh well just helps another scientist gain the best theory right? Wrong, the best theory that a doctor has may help, but I will not give up on God or cut Him out of the picture because He will not be tested or controlled! If you need His help, you can come to Him the same way that you would go to your doctor. Only difference is that God is free for His visit and the doc is not. Now God may tell you to go to the doctor and that is fine, but trust me I will not be going to the doctor first, just so I can leave the person that made me out of the equation for the sake of science. So next time you go to the doctor perhaps you should go to God first and then get in line at the local doctor office (believe me you have plenty of time to speak with God since He is always listening and the doctors office will make you wait for 2-4 hours before seeing you. But make sure he is up on the latest theory and best guess before you let him touch you. I'm just sayin, ya know?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My life, a diary in the making.

wow, I have not been on here in a while. Have been working outside a lot. Riding my bike a bit since the rain has stopped. Yes I plan to restart the blog again just took some time off. Well last night I was walking my little dog and following me down the road was this guy that as I watched him, he seemed to be drunk. I don't mean slightly drunk I mean falling down drunk. Had a new 40 oz in a bag headed for the river bank to drink the rest of the night away. Now I am not going to be hitting on addictions here and I am certainly not saying we should be getting involved in his life to force him to quite drinking or create more laws to make it illegal for people to abuse themselves.

At this point I am just looking at the reason behind the man and his current actions. Things have happened that made him decide to become what he is today. My question is what happened to him? What made him decide to throw his life away and live to see the bottom of the bottle. God sees us as His children and treats us as adults but still as His children. God said that He has a hope in us. So what is it that this man wanted to be when he was a child? Does he still have these hopes? Are they all gone? Has he forsaken them or do they seem to impossible for him to achieve? Does he just not think any More about the path of life that he is on? So many questions that can not be answered from our side of reality. Life has a side of reality that we miss, and that is Gods side of reality. The true reality that God saw in His people was before we were placed in our mothers womb. So what is it? What is the very thing that God is hoping you will do? When was the last time that you were happy doing? That thing you were called to do. When did you create something that you saw your very being in? I ask this question to you as I have been asking it of myself for the last year. So what is it? I encourage you to seek God and find out His hopes for you.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My life, a diary in the making.

So I was watching my name is Earl. You may have even seen the episode, anyway Earls mom is a problem gambler who steals things, sells them and uses the money for her addiction to gambling. So anyway she steals a car and as she is driving away from Earl she is screaming "don't judge me earl". OK well at this moment you may want to leave the blog if you don't want to hear logical ranting of a FREE man. I am now going to exercise my freedom of speech. You have been warned.

OK I judge drinking as bad, why because my family is filled with alcoholics and I love drinking but it is not good for me, I judge gambling as bad because I lose my families money, Ijudge drugs as bad, because I lost friends in high school to it and don't see any good in them at all unless you want to be controlled by a substance and become brain dead, I judge theft as theft, and lying as a sin. Why because I know that I like to lie to cover up the deeds I should not be doing just like everyone else. So lying is wrong. I judge bestiality as wrong because it is disgusting and filthy. I judge that people that hurt children by molestation is wrong, because I was hurt as a child, No matter what Ruth bater Ginsburg tells me. I judge murder as wrong and will defend myself and others against such people to the death. I judge that abortion is the killing of an innocent life and that capital punishment is a good thing to keep evil natured people under control. I judge the thought that says that previous statement backwards as brainless. I judge that government control over every aspect of my life is criminal, no matter what the president tells me is fair. I judge that terrorists should be held away from the rest of us, and publicly made an example of, and the religion should be sought out and weeded out if it condones such behavior. I believe that rape is rape and that is all there is to it. If you rape someone you should lose your stupid little thingy. I judge that you should pull your pants up before they fall down and I am eternally scared from seeing your dumb ass. OK I am done.

So here is the deal I judge that walking into the street in front of a bus is bad. my friend Kevin says that I should not take that approach to life. That if I say that walking in front of a bus, that is a good judgement but I should not judge drugs. why? Once again the lunatics are trying to tell me how to think. I will judge what I want and when I want. I am a Free agent and free to judge on a daily basis the actions of myself and others. It is good for me to do so. If you don't like it you have the right to get away from me. That is the beauty of living my life the way that I want to live. I don't need the nanny state to tell me what I need, I am a man and know what I need. I will judge as so, thank you very much.

My life, a diary in the making.

"We don't need a church for prayer... We don't need a canvas for love... These were the words personified by a band"? Well I just Read this and thought well what does God have to say about that? Well that is not where the power is. See the fact is that this statement is completely wrong. We don't need a church for prayer? well fact. God said where 2 or more are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst. OK so once again the church is where God is and the "church" is the entireTy of the body. The complete misunderstanding of the term church is causing people to think that it is a place or a building to go. Separation of church and state. Fact is there can be no separation of church and state because I am a part of the church and I am a citizen of the United States. I bring my moral compass to me at the polls. I bring my higher ethical standard with me to the workplace, I bring my Godly ideals no matter how much my flesh may not like them with me everywhere I go. So you need the "church" for that is the place that God is doing His work. It was not in a field by himself that Gideon was conquering, there he was in the wine press and God got a hold of him and told him what he was going to do but then brought him back to the rest of Gods people "the church". If we have a problem with God and His people we are truly not of the Spirit and God said we are to be in the Spirit to be in Him. So the next time I hear some bull like this I may need to exercise my freedom of speech to set them straight.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My life, a diary in the making.

OK so lets talk about the perception a person has that creates their reality, which normally is completely not the truth. Wow what was that I just wrote? Well there are so many things in the lives of an individual that cause a person to do the things that they do or focus on the things they feel are of the utmost importance. Fact is that just because we think the most important thing in the world is that we stop eating meat for example, well there is probably one more important, like keep breathing. Oh I know that is just ridicules, well reducing to the ridicules sometimes makes the world a whole lot clearer. At one point in my life I thought that the only thing that mattered was that I got a car, and when you are young you think certain milestones are the only things that matter. Well a car or your license is really not even in the scheme of things on the level of importance if you are dying with HIV. A car might make it easier to get around but it quickly stops being the thing that we look forward to. So what is it in your life that cuts through all the meaningless circumstances and brings you to the real reality of the life of (insert your name)?

Friday, May 14, 2010

My life, a diary in the making.

Why is it that everywhere you go people say they want a solution to the problems in their lives but they really don't. Please let me explain, just recently a political figure said that they wanted to make changes in the country about a subject matter that about 47% of the people were behind. (I am being very vague here to try and not be sidetracked by a person rather Iwant to look at the problem) anyway they made several statements about how they were going to do all that they could to make these changes and put a bunch of money out there in grants to try and help people come up with a solution to said problem. Follow me so far? Well I came up with an idea and needed to find out how to move my idea forward for consideration to possibly be the solution to the problem. So I contact said group of politicians and explained to them my idea and requested they help me to find someone to give my idea to, or help with possible studies into the possible solution. So I get a response back from them like this. Thanks for your concern on such matters and we are really glad that people in America are trying to help on (said problem), at this point we will keep your idea in mind. Thanks for your time. Well the problem is that I did not give them the idea I was requesting direction on what to do with it. They only had to tell me where to go, but no they are not really interested in a solution for their problems.

let me give you another example that is not politically related, well several years ago I was talking to someone that told me they were very discouraged that God had not stopped them from smoking. That they really wanted to and they would do anything to quit. So I took them to a place in the Bible that gives immediate help and victory over addictions. Explained it to them very simply and told them about my experience with said method. So several weeks later I see them and ask how they are doing. They said there was no change, I asked if they had been trying what I showed them and they said they did not at all.

Here is the problem that I have, why is it that we can not make up our mind for what we want in life? Whether we are talking to the whole country or we are talking to a friend. If we want to do something lets do it. If not surely don't say it for the sake of saying it. This type of behavior really makes a person look bad and especially for the kingdom of God. There is no power like the name of Jesus, for it is the Name above all names. be blessed my friends. be blessed.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My life, a diary in the making.

So I was thinking about the world today and all that is going on in it. Somewhere along the line I get a little aggravated about my taxes. Taxes are a really sore subject with me as you know if you know me to any extant. So I mentioned it on my face book account, you would think that you should be able to speak your mind on your page. right? wrong! So some guy that is on my friend list that I don't know, attacks me. This man calls himself a Christian and says that his family is in ministry. So anyway he begins to attack me on everything accept the subject matter of my post of how I was feeling. I was uneducated, probably a closet bigot, most likely that I was sitting and sucking off of the hint tit (don't ask). Supporting president Obama on everything that he does regardless of thinking through the process. Regardless of a person's politics and what you think, this is MY POST I thought. I was so offended at what was said and embarrassed for him and his toxic attitude I had to delete him. Now I have not deleted anyone before on my sites but I felt that this was out of control. I have always been a person for free speech and I will always be but there is a line with me. Proper boundaries for sick people keep me healthy.

Well after all this went down I really did some thinking and praying, as i have learned thinking is always bad when you want to be right. I started thinking about his position maybe he was mad because he gets paid through taxes. If no one paid taxes he would not get any money to play with. Maybe he wants to have a country in debt or out of debt who knows? Regardless of the society that we live in, we have a perception. Our perception is our reality and the reality that we will defend. That much I understand as true however what I refuse to accept is anything that is contrary to the word of God. The word of God corrects my perception and keeps my fleshly desires in check. I may want to have less taxes so I have more money for me but that does not give me the right to destroy another person just because they think another way. The bible sets the stage for all of us and how we should be. I thank God for the people in my life that think different but it does not mean that I have to agree with them for my perception is different. It also does not mean that I have the right to be destroyed by them either. be blessed all.