Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My life, a diary in the making.

wow, I have not been on here in a while. Have been working outside a lot. Riding my bike a bit since the rain has stopped. Yes I plan to restart the blog again just took some time off. Well last night I was walking my little dog and following me down the road was this guy that as I watched him, he seemed to be drunk. I don't mean slightly drunk I mean falling down drunk. Had a new 40 oz in a bag headed for the river bank to drink the rest of the night away. Now I am not going to be hitting on addictions here and I am certainly not saying we should be getting involved in his life to force him to quite drinking or create more laws to make it illegal for people to abuse themselves.

At this point I am just looking at the reason behind the man and his current actions. Things have happened that made him decide to become what he is today. My question is what happened to him? What made him decide to throw his life away and live to see the bottom of the bottle. God sees us as His children and treats us as adults but still as His children. God said that He has a hope in us. So what is it that this man wanted to be when he was a child? Does he still have these hopes? Are they all gone? Has he forsaken them or do they seem to impossible for him to achieve? Does he just not think any More about the path of life that he is on? So many questions that can not be answered from our side of reality. Life has a side of reality that we miss, and that is Gods side of reality. The true reality that God saw in His people was before we were placed in our mothers womb. So what is it? What is the very thing that God is hoping you will do? When was the last time that you were happy doing? That thing you were called to do. When did you create something that you saw your very being in? I ask this question to you as I have been asking it of myself for the last year. So what is it? I encourage you to seek God and find out His hopes for you.

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