Monday, May 10, 2010

My life, a diary in the making.

So I was thinking about the world today and all that is going on in it. Somewhere along the line I get a little aggravated about my taxes. Taxes are a really sore subject with me as you know if you know me to any extant. So I mentioned it on my face book account, you would think that you should be able to speak your mind on your page. right? wrong! So some guy that is on my friend list that I don't know, attacks me. This man calls himself a Christian and says that his family is in ministry. So anyway he begins to attack me on everything accept the subject matter of my post of how I was feeling. I was uneducated, probably a closet bigot, most likely that I was sitting and sucking off of the hint tit (don't ask). Supporting president Obama on everything that he does regardless of thinking through the process. Regardless of a person's politics and what you think, this is MY POST I thought. I was so offended at what was said and embarrassed for him and his toxic attitude I had to delete him. Now I have not deleted anyone before on my sites but I felt that this was out of control. I have always been a person for free speech and I will always be but there is a line with me. Proper boundaries for sick people keep me healthy.

Well after all this went down I really did some thinking and praying, as i have learned thinking is always bad when you want to be right. I started thinking about his position maybe he was mad because he gets paid through taxes. If no one paid taxes he would not get any money to play with. Maybe he wants to have a country in debt or out of debt who knows? Regardless of the society that we live in, we have a perception. Our perception is our reality and the reality that we will defend. That much I understand as true however what I refuse to accept is anything that is contrary to the word of God. The word of God corrects my perception and keeps my fleshly desires in check. I may want to have less taxes so I have more money for me but that does not give me the right to destroy another person just because they think another way. The bible sets the stage for all of us and how we should be. I thank God for the people in my life that think different but it does not mean that I have to agree with them for my perception is different. It also does not mean that I have the right to be destroyed by them either. be blessed all.

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